Artist Background:
Terry Mamounas always loved to draw and paint as he was growing up in Greece. Inspired by his 5th grade art teacher, he began painting oils in a small group with other students. His passion for painting grew during his teenage years and almost became a career choice but in the end medicine won him over. He continued to paint throughout medical school and surgical residency when he moved to the U.S.
Although oil was his original favorite medium, because of busy work and travel schedule, several years ago he tried watercolor and totally fell in love with it. His favorite subjects are still life, portraits and animals in motion. A common theme in his paintings is the strong effect of light and shadow with resulting vibrant colors.
He would love to paint full-time and hopes someday to have more time to do just that. For now, painting provides him with great relaxation from the demands of his busy professional life.
He enjoys helping to raise money for cancer patients through his art and he has donated paintings to various fundraisers for cancer research and care. He has participated in several juried exhibits and has won awards for his watercolors in Ohio. Most recently he won the third place award at the 2017 Windermere Art Festival.
Professional Background:
Terry Mamounas, MD, MPH, is a breast surgical oncologist and serves as the medical director of the comprehensive breast program at Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center. Dr. Mamounas has authored and coauthored more than 350 abstracts, peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters and has given numerous lectures at national and international meetings.